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At endpoint generic 100 mg suprax with mastercard antimicrobial pillows, no significant differences were reported between the two treatment groups discount suprax 100 mg on line zithromax antibiotic resistance. Patients augmented with mirtazapine had a significantly greater reduction in Y-BOCS total score beginning at week 2, although this difference persisted only through week 6 of the study. SSRIs compared to placebo in adult outpatients with OCD Meta-analyses 169-172 Four meta-analyses reviewed available evidence from placebo-controlled studies; we rated 172 these analyses as fair quality and one as good quality. One study pooled results from 10 trials 169 that compared SSRIs as a class with placebo. Data representing 1,076 patients were pooled to define the SSRI group, which consisted of fluvoxamine (five studies), fluoxetine (two studies), and sertraline (three studies). Several studies incorporated multiple dosing arms in the study 176, 177 design. For these trials, only the highest dosing arm was incorporated in the meta-analytic results. As a class, SSRIs were found to be superior to placebo. For obsessive-compulsive symptoms considered together, an effect size of 0. Considering obsessions and compulsions rated separately, effect sizes were reported as 0. Effect sizes generally were consistent for each of the SSRIs when compared to placebo. A second meta-analysis evaluated placebo-controlled trials of fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, 170 sertraline, and paroxetine. Specifically, this study used meta-regression to identify sources of heterogeneity in these trials (and clomipramine trials). They identified 12 trials published before 2000 that compared SSRIs to placebo. Only studies that assessed efficacy with Y-BOCS were incorporated in the meta-regression. Effect sizes were estimated as the difference in improvement (decrease in Y-BOCS) between active drug and placebo. Second-generation antidepressants 57 of 190 Final Update 5 Report Drug Effectiveness Review Project 178-181 Four fluvoxamine studies showed a net improvement of -4. For the three fluoxetine studies, net improvement was -1. Only one paroxetine study was included; the difference in improvement was estimated as -3. A third meta-analysis assessed medication effect sizes in six published placebo-controlled 171 178, 179 185, 186 trials; two fluvoxamine studies; two sertraline studies; and two fluoxetine 182, 183 studies. Compared to placebo, effect sizes did not differ significantly between the three SSRIs evaluated. All consisted of placebo comparisons: five used sertraline, five fluvoxamine, three compared fluoxetine, three paroxetine and one used citalopram. Overall, the drugs evaluated provided greater efficacy than placebo, however, there were differences in the incidence of adverse events, in particular nausea.

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