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Cardiovascular problems (hypotension discount pletal 50mg without a prescription spasms during meditation, hypertension and arrhythmias) discount pletal 50 mg amex yawning spasms, nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity have been reported. Hypersensitvity reactons, thyroid abnormalites, hyperglycaemia, alopecia, psoriasiform rash, confusion, coma and seizures (usually with high doses in the elderly), leucopenia; thrombocytopenia; mucosites; pancreatts. Bleomycin* Pregnancy Category-D Schedule H, G Indicatons Adjunct to surgery and radiotherapy in palliatve treatment of Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas; retculum cell sarcoma and lymphoma; carcinomas of the head, neck, larynx, cervix, penis, skin, vulva, testcles including embryonal cell carcinoma, choriocarcinoma and teratoma; malignant efusions. Dose Intramuscular and subcutaneous injecton 30 mg twice a week, dose can also vary from 15 mg daily to 15 mg weekly; total 300 to 400 mg. Contraindicatons See notes above and literature; preexistng lung disease; pregnancy (Appendix 7c) and lactaton (Appendix 7b). Precautons See notes above and consult literature; renal impairment; interactons (Appendix 6c). Note: Irritant to tssues Busulphan* Pregnancy Category-D Schedule G Indicatons Chronic granulocytc leukaemia, chronic myelogenous leukaemia, polycythaemia vera, myelofbrosis, thrombocythaemia. Dose Oral Chronic myeloid leukaemia, inducton of remission: 60 µg/kg body weight daily (max 4 mg) maintenance dose 0. Contraindicatons Pregnancy (Appendix 7c); bone marrow suppression; chronic lymphocytc leukaemia; lactaton. Precautons Monitor cardiac functon; pregnancy; lactaton previous radiaton therapy; avoid in porphyria, hepatc impairment; interactons (Appendix 6c). Adverse Efects Hepatotoxicity (including hepatc veno- occlusive disease, hyperbilirubinaemia, jaundice and fbrosis); cardiac tamponade at high doses in thalassaemic patents; pneumonia; skin hyperpigmentaton; hyperuraecemia; pulmonary fbrosis. Chlorambucil* Pregnancy Category-D Schedule G Indicatons Chronic lymphocytc leukaemia; some non- Hodgkin’s lymphomas; Hodgkin’s disease, ovarian cancer and Waldenstrom (primary) macroglobulinaemia. Waldarstrom’s macroglobulinaemia: 6 to 12 mg daily untl leucopenia occurs, then reduce to 2 to 8 mg daily. Contraindicatons See notes above and consult literature; hypersensitvity; porphyria; pregnancy (Appendix 7c) and lactaton (Appendix 7b). Precautons See notes above and consult literature; renal impairment; hepatc impairment (Appendix 7a). Cisplatn* Pregnancy Category-D Schedule H Indicatons Metastatc testcular tumours, metastatc ovarian tumours, advanced bladder carcinoma and other solid tumours. Dose Intravenous injecton (use syringes devoid of aluminium component) Ovarian tumor: 50 mg/m2 of body surface area once every three weeks. Contraindicatons See notes above and consult literature; hypersensitivity; renal impairment (Appendix 7d); pregnancy (Appendix 7c) and lactation (Appendix 7b). Precautons See notes above and consult literature; hyperuraemia; hypomagnesaemia; hypocalcaemia; interactons (Appendix 6c). Cyclophosphamide* Pregnancy Category-D Schedule G Indicatons Malignant lymphomas including Non- Hodgkin’s lymphomas, lymphocytc lymphoma, Burkit’s lymphoma; multple myeloma; leukaemias, mycosis fungoides; neuroblastoma; adenocarcinoma of the ovary; retnoblastoma; breast cancer. Dose Intravenous injecton Malignancy: 40 to 50 mg/kg body weight in divided doses over 2 to 5 days. Alternatvely 10 to 15 mg/kg body weight every 7 to 10 days or 3 to 5 mg/kg body weight twice a week. Contraindicatons See notes above and consult literature; bladder haemorrhage; thrombocytopenia; severe bone marrow depression; pregnancy (Appendix 7c) and lactaton (Appendix 7b). Precautons See notes above and consult literature; renal impairment (Appendix 7d) and hepatc impairment (Appendix 7a); interactons (Appendix 6c). Haemorrhagic cystts; colits; cardiac toxicity; anorexia; thrombocytopenia; dermatts. The soluton should be used immediately afer preparaton as it deteriorates on storage.

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F best pletal 50 mg muscle relaxant rotator cuff, plant and fower Te main feature of the Aloe vera plant is its high water content discount pletal 50 mg without a prescription muscle relaxant 10mg, ranging from 99% to 99. In compositional studies on the structural components of leaf portions of the Aloe vera plant, the rind was found to compose 20–30% and the pulp 70–80% of the whole leaf weight. Non-starch polysaccharides and lignin repre- sented the bulk of each leaf fraction and were found to be 62. Acetylated mannan is the primary poly- From Spohn (2013) saccharide in Aloe vera gel (Ni et al. Other © Roland Spohn chemical constituents of Aloe vera include lectins such as aloctins A and B (Kuzuya et al. The Aloe vera inner leaf pulp is composed of large thin-walled parenchyma cells that store the Aloe gel. Tese linear chains range (a) Aloe vera gel extract in size from a few to several thousand mono- Te inner leaf pulp of the Aloe vera plant saccharide molecules. Te major polysaccha- contains large, thin-walled cells that produce gel, ride, acetylated mannan, is composed of one or the clear, mucilaginous, and aqueous extract of more polymers of various chain lengths with the inner central area of the leaf pulp (Fig. Te mechanical glucose and mannose in a 1:3 ratio (Channe extrusion of the mucilaginous gel from the inner Gowda et al. Chemically preserved fresh Aloe vera Polysaccharides in Aloe vera gel consist of gel stored at room temperature or incubated at linear chains of glucose and mannose molecules, 40 °C for 48 hours exhibited degradation in its 40 Aloe vera Table 1. Aloe vera latex contains Te Aloe vera whole leaf extract (sometimes four major C-glycosyl constituents: aloin A, referred to as whole leaf Aloe vera juice, Aloe aloin B, aloesin, and aloeresin A (Fig. Aloin A, a C-glycosyl anthrone, also aqueous extract of the whole leaf with lignifed referred to as barbaloin, is the major component fbres removed. Aloin A and its epimer, aloin B, also both the gel from the inner parenchyma leaf pulp referred to as isobarbaloin, have a 9-anthrone and the latex. Te restricted distribution of the skeleton and a β-D-glucopyranosyl substit- bitter latex within the margins of the leaves of uent. Aloesin, also known as aloeresin B, is a the Aloe vera plant suggests that this thin layer 5-methyl chromone with an 8-β-D-glucopyra- is the primary site of secondary metabolites nosyl substituent, and aloeresin A is a 5-methyl biosynthesis: compounds that do not function chromone with an 8-β-D-glucopyranosyl-2- directly in plant growth and development and O-trans-p-coumarol substituent. A wide variety of secondary compounds isolated from Aloe vera, including aloe-emodin, have been isolated from the Aloe vera latex the anthraquinone of barbaloin and isobarbaloin (Reynolds, 2004). In addition, the latex from Aloe vera contain little or no latex anthraquinones, carbon contains several aromatic compounds, such as adsorption changes the physical and chemical aldehydes and ketones (Saccù et al. Aloe vera sugar moiety in aloins is D-glucose, and studies decolorized whole leaf extract difers from the indicate that carbon atom 1 of the D-glucose gel in that it exhibits a degradation in rheological moiety is linked directly to carbon atom 10 of the properties and a loss of approximately 19–23% of anthracene ring in a β-confguration (Fig. Cleavage of the β-C-glucosyl liquid originating in the cells of the pericycle and bond results in the formation of aloe-emodin, adjacent leaf parenchyma, and fowing sponta- the cathartic principle of the latex, and other free neously from the cut leaf, allowed to dry with anthraquinones and anthrones (Boudreau et al. In commercial prod- material is used for medicinal purposes and its ucts containing whole leaf extract, a rapid dete- composition is specifed in several ofcial phar- rioration of aloin was detected during storage, macopoeias (see Section 1. Most of the published and colour caused by the anthraquinone compo- analytical methods (Table 1. Tis results in a product determination of the anthraquinone compounds termed “decolorized whole leaf extract” that has in the latex, and fewer and mostly qualitative quite diferent properties from the whole leaf methods are available for authentication. Aloe vera decolorized whole leaf extract To carry out an exhaustive quality control of is also referred to as “whole leaf Aloe vera gel” commercial Aloe vera gel products (e.

Rules Based on the Range The Q test 100mg pletal with mastercard quad spasms, suggested by Dean and Dixon**** (1951) is statistically correct and valid buy cheap pletal 50 mg on line kidney spasms no pain, and it may be applied easily as stated below : (i) Calculate the range of the results, (ii) Determine the difference between the suspected result and its closest neighbour, (iii) Divide the difference obtained in (ii) above by the range from (i) to arrive at the rejection Quotient Q, (iv) Finally, consult a table of Q-values. In case, the computed value of Q is found to be greater than the value given in the table, the result in question can be rejected outright with 90% confidence that it was perhaps subject to some factor or the other which never affected the other results. Note : The Q-test administers excellent justification for the outright rejection of abnormally erroneous values ; however, it fails to eliminate the problem with less deviant suspicious values. Note : Youden* (1967) suggested that once the analytical error is reduced to 1/3rd of the sampling error, further reduction of the former is not required anymore. In order to have a meaningful ‘sampling plan’ the following points should be taken into consideration**, namely : (1) Number of samples to be taken : (2) Size of the sample, and (3) Should separate samples be analysed or should a sample made up of two or more increments (i. How many samples must be taken to give (at 95% confidence level) a sampling error of less than 0. Q Conclusion : From this test it has been established that at least 34 samples are required if the specifi- cations provided in the above cited example are to be fulfilled adequately. Sample Size : Another major problem associated with the sampling process is that of the sample size. In fact, the sample size withdrawn from a heterogeneous material is solely guided by two factors, namely : (a) Variation in particle size, and (b) Precision required in the results of the analysis. The sampling variance, V, is inversely proportional to the actual number of sampling increments (n) and may be expressed as : k V = n where, k = Constant entirely dependent on the size of the increment and variation within the bulk material. The following points with regard to sampling may be observed carefully : • A major source of error in sampling may be incorporated from the actual process of taking increments from the bulk material, • The accuracy of the sample is determined by its total size (based on Random Sampling Theory), and • The number of increments taken shall directly influence the sampling accuracy provided the bulk material comprises of varying particle sizes. What are the two major types of ‘errors’ invariably encountered in pharmaceutical analysis? Discuss the various means of minimising ‘systemic errors’ with respect to the following aspects : (i) Calibration of instruments and apparatus (ii) Parallel control determination (iii) Blank determination (iv) Verifying results by different methods of analysis (v) Method of standard deviation (vi) Method of internal standards. Elaborate the following statistical methods with suitable examples : (i) Students t-test (ii) F-test (Variance-Ratio Test). What are the various recommendations a ‘pharmaceutical analyst’ shall propose for rejecting an observation. Kaufman, ‘Evaluation and Optimisation of Laboratory Methods and Ana- lytical Procedures’, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1978. Caulcutt, R, and R, Boddy, ‘Statistics for Analytical Chemists’, London, Chapman and Hall, 1983. However, these definitions have two serious short-comings, they are : (a) they lack explanation of the behaviour of acids and bases in non-aqueous media, and (b) acidity is associated withhydrogen ion—a relatively simple particle ; whereas,basicity is associated with hydroxyl ion—a relatively complex entity. According to Lowry and Bronsted’s theory—‘an acid is a substance capable of yielding a proton (hydrogen ion), while a base is a substance capable of accepting a proton’. Thus, a complementary relationship exists between an acid and a base that may be expressed in a generalized fashion as below : A H+ + B acid base 4. Conjugate Acid-Base Pair The pair of substances which by virtue of their mutual ability either gain or lose a proton is called a conjugate acid-base pair. Sometimes, such a reaction is termed as protolytic reaction or protolysis, where A1 and B1 make the first conjugate acid-base pair and A2 and B2 the other pair. According to Lewis—‘an acid is an electron pair acceptor, whereas a base is an electron pair donor’. Therefore, it is obvious that whenever any neutralization occurs the formation of an altogether new coordinate covalent bond between the electron pair donor and acceptor atoms take place. Thus, Lewis’s definition is a much broader definition that includes coordination compound formation as acid-base reactions, besides Arrhenius and Lowry-Bronsted acids and bases. F H F H Boron trifluoride Ammonia (acid) (base) The reaction of borontrifluoride (acid) with ammonia (base) results into a stable octet configuration between mutual sharing of a pair of electrons of latter (donor) and former (acceptor). H M P N H Q 2 Electron Electron Acceptor Donor (acid) (base) The reaction of ammonia (base) with Ag+ (acid) results into a stable configuration due to the mutual sharing of a pair of electrons of latter (donor) and former (acceptor).

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