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By K. Einar. University of Evansville.

A strict generic 500mg biaxin amex diet lambung gastritis, homoeopathic diet and mode of living does not cure chronic patients as our opponents pretend in order to diminish the merits of Homoeopathy discount 250mg biaxin amex gastritis symptoms spanish, but the main cause is the medical treatment. This may be seen in the case of the many patients who trusting these false allegations have for years observed the most strict homoeopathic diet without being able thereby to diminish appreciably their chronic disease; this rather increasing in spite of the diet, as all diseases of a chronic miasmatic nature do from their nature. Owing to these causes, therefore, and in order to make the cure possible, the homoeopathic practitioner must yield to circumstances in his prescriptions as to diet and mode of living, and in so doing he will much more surly, and therefore more completely, reach the aim of healing, than by an obstinate insistence on strict rules which in many cases cannot be obeyed. The daily laborer, if his strength allows, should continue his labor; the artisan his handiwork; the farmer, so far as he is able, his field work; the mother of the family her domestic occupations according to her strength; only labors that would interfere with the health of healthy persons should be interdicted. The class of men who are usually occupied, not with bodily labor, but with fine work in their rooms, usually with sedentary work, should be directed during their cure to walk more in the open air, without, on that account, setting their work altogether aside. The physician may allow this class the innocent amusement of moderate and becoming dancing amusements in the country that are reconcilable with a strict diet, also social meetings with acquaintances, where conversation is the chief amusement; he will not keep them from enjoying harmless music or from listening to lectures which are not too fatiguing; he can permit the theatre only exceptionally, but he can never allow the playing of cards. The physician will moderate too frequent riding and driving, and should know how to banish intercourse which should prove to be morally and psychically injurious, as this is also physically injurious. The flirtations and empty excitations of sensuality between the sexes, the reading of indelicate novels and poems of a like character, as well as superstitious and enthusiastic books, are to be altogether interdicted. All classes of chronic patients must be forbidden the use of any domestic remedies or the use of any medicines on their own account. With the higher classes, perfumeries, scented waters, tooth-powders and other medicines for the teeth must also be forbidden. If the patient has been accustomed for a long time to woollen under-clothing, the homoeopathic physician cannot suddenly make a change; but as the disease diminishes the woollen under-garments may in warm weather be first changed to cotton and then, in warm weather, the patient can pass to linen. Fontanelles can be stopped, in chronic diseases of any moment, only when the internal cure has already made progress, especially with patients of advanced age. The physician cannot yield to the request of patients for the continuation of their customary home-baths; but a quick ablution, as much as cleanliness may demand from time to time, may be allowed; nor can he permit any venesection or cupping, however much the patient may declare that he has become accustomed thereto. But if both parties are able and disposed to it, such an interdict is, to say the least, ridiculous, as it neither can nor will be obeyed (without causing a greater misfortune in the family). No legislature should give laws that cannot be kept nor controlled, or which would cause even greater mischief if kept. If one party is incapable of sexual intercourse this of itself will stop such intercourse. But of all functions in marriage such intercourse is what may least be commanded or forbidden. Homoeopathy only interferes in this matter through medicines, so as to make the party that is incapable of sexual intercourse capable of it, through antipsoric (or anti- syphilitic) remedies, or on the other hand to reduce an excitable consortÕs morbidity to its natural tone. The poor man can recover health even with a diet of salt and bread, and neither the moderate use of potatoes, flour-porridge nor fresh cheese will binder his recovery; only let him limit the condiments of onions and pepper with his meagre diet. He who cares for his recovery can find dishes, even at the kingÕs table, which answer all the requirements of a natural diet. Coffee has in great part the injurious effects on the health of body and soul which I have described in my little book (Wirkungen des Kaffees [Effects of Coffee], Leipzig, 1803); but it has become so much of a habit and a necessity to the greater part of the so-called enlightened nations that it will be as difficult to extirpate as prejudice and superstition, unless the homoeopathic physician in the cure of chronic diseases insists on a general, absolute interdict. Only young people up to the twentieth year, or at most up to the thirtieth, can be suddenly deprived of it without any particular disadvantage; but with persons over thirty and forty years, if they have used coffee from their childhood, it is better to propose to discontinue it gradually and every day to drink somewhat less; when lo and behold! As late as six years ago I still supposed that older persons who are unwilling to do without it, might be allowed to use it in a small quantity. But I have since then become convinced that even a long-continued habit cannot make it harmless, and as the physician can only permit what is best for his patient, it must remain as an established rule that chronic patients must altogether give up this part of their diet, which is insidiously injurious; and this the patients, high or low, who have the proper confidence in their physician, when it is properly represented to them, almost without exception, do willingly and gladly, to the great improvement of their health. Rye or wheat, roasted like coffee in a drum and then boiled and prepared like coffee, has both in smell and in taste much resemblance to coffee; and rich and poor are using this substitute willingly in several countries.

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Reports of cardiac effects ranging from significant decreases in heart rate to Drug-Drug Interactions: Toxicological Perspectives 693 orthostatic hypotension to cardiac arrest have occurred with b-blockers when com- bined with inhibitors of P450 metabolism buy biaxin 500 mg on line gastritis duodenitis, such as amiodarone (64) order biaxin 500mg on-line gastritis symptoms ayurveda, quinidine (65), propafenone (66), and fluoxetine (67). The only other anesthetic to cause serious toxicity for which a metabolic drug interaction has been reasonably well characterized is the local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic agent lidocaine. Carbamazepine Carbamazepine is considered a relatively safe antiepileptic drug that is subject to dose-related neurologic toxicities (e. The most serious toxicities associated with carbamazepine use are idio- syncratic skin rashes, hematological disorders, hepatotoxicity, and teratogenicity (80). On the basis of studies with mice, teratogenicity is most likely related to formation of arene oxide and/or quinone-like metabolites of carbamazepine (83), 694 Nelson and studies in humans suggest that a reactive iminoquinone of 2-hydroxystilbene is formed (84). Phenytoin Phenytoin, like carbamazepine, causes dose-related neurological toxicities (89). As with carbamazepine, phenytoin also causes idiosyncratic toxic effects, including hematological and connective tissue toxicities, hepatotoxicity, and teratogenicity (89). Although some of these toxicities have been hypothesized to be caused by P450 oxidative metabolism (92,93) or peroxidase-mediated reac- tions (94,95), mechanisms for these toxic effects in humans are unknown. Valproic Acid The two most serious toxic effects of valproic acid are hepatocellular injury (96) and teratogenesis (97). However, valproic acid also is metabolized by several other pathways that may be involved in causing its toxicities (99). Antineoplastic Agents Several drugs used to treat cancer are metabolized by cytochromes P450, and it would be anticipated that if the parent drug were the cytotoxic species, inhibition of its metabolism would enhance cytotoxicity, which could either be beneficial if controlled or cause severe toxicity to bone marrow, the nervous system, etc. Alternatively, P450 inducers may decrease therapeutic effectiveness of the drugs (101). Interestingly, only a few cases of toxicities to patients due to such drug-drug interactions have been reported, probably because most chemotherapy regimens are administered until some undesired toxic effect (e. The same reasoning applies to cases of severe neurotoxicity when itraconazole is administered with vincristine (104,105). John’s wort) can markedly decrease the plasma concentrations of these drugs leading to decreased clinical efficacy, and inhibitors (e. John’s wort has been shown to significantly increase the clearance of indi- navir (117). Antidepressant Serotonergic Drugs and Sympathomimetics These two classes of drugs are subject to life-threatening interactions (e. Digoxin Digoxin is a narrow therapeutic index drug whose primary drug-drug inter- actions appear to involve the P-glycoprotein transporter (121). An additional drug-drug interaction may occur at the level of reduction of the lactone ring double bond by intestinal microbial reductases that yields an inactive metabolite. Some antibiotic drugs can kill these microbes and lead to increases in digoxin concentrations (122). Arylamine Sulfonamides and Hydrazine Drugs Several of these drugs can cause immune-mediated idiosyncratic toxicities, such as immune hemolysis, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, drug-induced lupus, and severe skin rashes (123,124). It is well known that for most drugs in these classes acetylation of the amine or hydrazine group protects against the toxic effects based on significantly higher incidences of toxicity in individuals that geneti- cally are slow acetylators (125). However, there are no reported drug-drug interactions with the N-acetyltranferases. Oxidation products of the arylamino or hydrazine groups are implicated as the haptenic reactive metabolites (123–131), and both cytochromes P450 and peroxidases have been implicated in the oxi- dation process (124,129,130). Although it might be anticipated that inducers and inhibitors of these enzymes would affect toxicities associated with the drugs, no reports of such drug-drug interactions on toxicity have appeared.

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