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Drugs that can produce visual or auditory distortions buy 0.5mg dutas with mastercard hair loss questionnaire, or drugs that can affect per- ception of time and distance (e generic dutas 0.5 mg with amex hair loss cure timeline. Visual disturbances are also reported with other drugs, such as cocaine, which can cause flashes of light in peripher- al vision, known as “snow lights. This is sometimes observed as weaving or the inability to maintain the vehicle within the lane (the constant minor over-correc- tions seen in an attempt to stay within the lane). Reaction Time A driver must not only receive information, but must also process it, make a decision, and then react. Slowed reaction times (reaction deficits), particularly with respect to braking and steering, may result in character- istic driving behavior, for example, striking a fixed object, rear-ending another vehicle, or failure to make an evasive maneuver. Divided Attention and Multitasking Driving requires divided attention, rather than focused attention. Drivers must observe road signals and monitor pedestrians and other vehicles in addition to the environment. At the same time, they must effectively operate the gas, gears, braking and steering systems. While many of these functions are well learned, the driving task itself has a high demand for information processing. Ingestion of depressant drugs or marijuana may impair divided attention skills, as may stimulants, which may produce hypervigilance, preoccupation or distractibility. Progressive symptoms and impairment of some commonly encountered drugs are summarized in Table 6. Differences between individuals as well as differences within the same individual at different times can produce different responses. A week later that same individual again has a headache, takes two aspirin, but the headache remains, although to a lesser degree. Another person never takes aspirin for headaches, only acetaminophen, because aspirin causes ringing in her ears and doesn’t seem to make the headache go away. The scientific evaluation of driving performance is technically and logis- tically complex. Although more than half (56%) (12) of people who reported driving after marijuana use claimed that the drug did not affect their ability to drive, it is highly questionable whether or not individuals can assess their own driving per- formance. For ethical and safety reasons, on-the-road driving studies using “real-world” doses of drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine are not feasible. Therefore, a toxicologist must rely on a number of approaches, which may include: • Empirical Considerations:What is the pharmacology of the drug? There are advantages and disadvantages associated with each approach and these are summarized in Table 7. Collectively, these approaches can provide a toxicologist with a great deal of useful information. Taken together, the scientific literature helps determine whether the drug effects are compatible with safe driving, and specifically how they might impair a person’s ability to drive. Drugs may affect normal behavior by enhancing or impairing human performance, such as cognition or psychomotor skills. The same drug may be capable of either enhancing or impairing performance, depend- ing on the dose and pattern of drug use.


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