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Such research should help to uncover amygdala activation in comparison with a no-odorant con- abnormalities in the circuitry underlying the processing of trol condition (93) generic 10mg celexa mastercard medicine omeprazole 20mg, were presented to all the subjects order 20 mg celexa mastercard medications 1800. Bir- emotion and cognition in patients with mood and anxiety baumer et al. In both groups, odors elicited therapeutic approaches. In contrast, the social phobics responded to the faces with significantly greater bilateral amygdala activation than REFERENCES did the controls. Nat Rev tion of the thalamus was found between the two groups in Neurosci 2000;1:59–65. Effect of expected reward magnitude on cant amygdala activation was noted in the social phobics, the response of neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of the macaque monkey. Affective style and affective disorders: perspectives of the controls. The functional neuroanatomy of emotion and affective style. A two-year longitudinal study This chapter began with discussion of some key components of mood disorders following stroke: prevalence and duration at of the circuitry underlying affect and cognition that are six-months follow-up. Pathological laughter dysfunction in patients with mood and anxiety disorders. Emphasis was placed on the PFC, amygdala, hippocampus, 8. Exploring the symptom structure of anxiety and depression logic problems that plague research in this area were consid- in student, adult, and patient samples. The relevance of the task chosen in activation studies 104:15–25. The contribution of the amygdala to normal and lesion location: a systematic review. Why we think plasticity underlying MA: MIT Press, 1995:361–387. Anterior electrophysiological asymmetries, emo- Neuron 1999;23:229–232. Left frontal hypoactivation in ponents of anxious temperament. Fear and the human teristics and depressed mood in the stroke data bank study. Approach/with- recognition of emotion in facial expressions. J Neurosci 1996;16: drawal and cerebral asymmetry: emotional expression and brain 7678–7687. Differential lateralization for positive ments after encephalitis: amygdala damage and recognition of and negative emotion in the human brain: EEG spectral analysis. Electroencephalogram asymmetry during tion after bilateral amygdala damage: differentially severe impair- emotionally evocative films and its relation to positive and nega- ment of fear. Impaired auditory recogni- MIT Press, 2000:1149–1159.

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One gene variant (allele) is ethanol reinforcement and voluntary intake (42) order celexa 10mg otc medications ok during pregnancy. Alcohol Some studies have implicated involvement of the seroto- dehydrogenase (ADH) metabolizes ethanol to acetaldehyde purchase celexa 20mg with mastercard medications ending in zole, nin receptors 5-HT3 and possibly 5-HT4 in DA release a toxic intermediate, which is in turn converted to acetate in the NAC (31,43). Approximately half receptor that directly gates an ion channel and hence ethanol the population of Southeast (SE) Asian countries such as directly potentiates the effects of serotonin at this site (44). China, Japan, and Korea have functional polymorphisms at Chronic alcohol intake increases the sensitivity of 5-HT3 four different genes: ADH2, ADH3, ALDH1, and ALDH2. Across populations, the ALDH2-2 variant appears on a sim- The 5-HT3 antagonist ondansetron has been shown to re- ilar genetic background (haplotype) and thus has probably duce alcohol consumption in alcoholics (45). The most important variants are ALDH2-2 (Glu487–Lys487) and ADH2-2 GENETIC STUDIES OF ALCOHOLISM IN (Arg47–His47). ALDH2-2 dominantly inactivates ALDH2, HUMANS the ALDH that is mitochondrially localized and responsible for most acetaldehyde metabolism in cells. ADH2-2 is a In a heterogeneous disease such as alcoholism it is likely superactive variant. Allelic variation at ADH3 apparently that there are different environment-related thresholds and exerts no independent effect on the risk for alcoholism; different genes and gene variants. In addition there could however, ADH3-1 is in linkage disequilibrium with ADH2- be additive or nonadditive (epistatic) interactions between 2 (48,49) and is thus also predictive of vulnerability. Classic genetic analyses in ro- 2 and ALDH2-2 raise the levels of acetaldehyde by increas- dents show that certain alcohol-related phenotypes (e. On the other hand, lism, and by interacting additively, but not synergistically human data showing an approximately 2:1 MZ/DZ twin (50). The result is that ingestion of even small amounts of ratio of concordance for alcoholism and high recurrence ethanol produces an unpleasant reaction characterized by rates in first-degree relatives of alcoholics followed by a pro- facial flushing, headache, hypotension, palpitations, tachy- gressively decreasing risk in proportion to relatedness are cardia, nausea, and vomiting (51). In an analogous fashion, compatible with additivity of inheritance, and do not favor disulfiram, used in the treatment of alcoholism, and some multiple genes. The alcoholism genes identified so antiprotozoal drugs such as metronidazole, inhibit ALDH2 far—ALDH2 and ADH2—were discovered individually and thereby cause a flushing reaction after alcohol consump- but act additively when they co-occur (vide infra). Therefore, the protective effect of ALDH2 genotypes To dissect the multiple genetic influences on alcoholism can be regarded as analogous to protection with disulfiram, vulnerability, it may be necessary or useful to consider sev- as this flushing reaction, severe in homozygotes but milder eral phenotypes representing different aspects of the disease. The allele frequency of the homogeneous clinical groups by severity (dependence or dominantly acting ALDH2-2 is 0. Cloninger (46) divided alcoholics on flushing after alcohol consumption. Their risk of alcoholism a clinical and genetic epidemiologic basis into type 1 (mi- is reduced about four- to tenfold. Approximately 10% of lieu-limited, later onset) and type 2 (early onset, male domi- Japanese are ALDH2-2/ALDH2-2 homozygotes. Thus far, nated, associated with ASPD), thus linking premorbid per- only one alcoholic ALDH2-2/ALDH2-2 homozygote has sonality with alcoholism vulnerability and identifying an been observed across a series of studies in which several alcoholism subtype, type II, with a stronger genetic predis- hundred alcoholics have been genotyped, and that individ- position. This classification is supported by a study involv- ual is the focus of a report (52). Tu and Israel underlying dimensions of liability for alcoholism, drug dis- (53) found that acculturation accounted for some of the orders, ASPD, MD, and GAD that are familially transmit- variance (7–11%) in alcohol consumption for SE Asian ted with moderate specificity: (a) chronic dysphoric symp- males born in North America, although the ALDH2 poly- toms of anxiety and depression, and (b) acting-out behaviors morphism predicted two-thirds of the alcohol consumption and harmful substance use. Also, there are large differences in the prevalence of alcohol dependence in populations that GeneticsOf Alcohol Metabolism have similar ALDH2 allele frequencies. The frequencies of At the present time, the genes for alcohol metabolism are the ADH2 and ALDH2 variants are similar, but the preva- the only genes that are known to have a major impact on lence of alcoholism is 2. Such endophenotypes may be influenced by AND ADH2 GENOTYPES AND THE RISK FOR variation at fewer genes. The brain is relatively inaccessible, ALCOHOLISM IN SOUTHEAST ASIANS (48) so it has been more difficult to obtain biochemical and ALDH2 ADH2 Protective Factor physiologic measures that identify more specific genetic sub- types as was done decades ago for certain other common, ∗2/∗2 ∗2/∗2, ∗1/∗2, or ∗1/∗1 High ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ broadly defined diseases (e.

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